Zele eyes Formula Renault 2.0 entry

FR2015-1406534699Apart from its sportscar programme, Zele Racing is planning to run in Formula Renault 2.0

“We have been supporting junior drivers in Formula racing for several years now and want to continue doing so by establishing a team in the Formula Renault Eurocup“, teams boss Michael Zele said.

Zele disposes of last year’s championship winning cars and thus, the team is currently looking for young talents for the two cockpits.

Formula Renault, founded in 1971, is regarded as an entry-level series to motor racing and a respected series where drivers can learn advanced racecraft before moving on to Formula Three, GP2 or Formula One.

Zele Racing is planning to run in the Eurocup championship and possibly in the Northern European Cup.

„A particular season highlight for the youngsters will be the F1 support race at the Monaco Grand Prix.”